Portsmouth Football Club has a number of official supporters clubs, of which the South West is just one, It was formed in 1994 by two lifelong Pompey fans, Rob Hayward, from Frome and Gary Cox, from Radstock,
Bath. They are both still club members, although no longer members of the organising committee. The current Chairman is Chris Barrett with Ben Hardinge stepping into the newly created role of Vice-Chairman and John Edgerton from Swindon, who is the supporter’s club Treasurer who makes up the third member of the committee.
PFCSWSC is by no means the largest in terms of numbers but in a geographical sense, it is believed to cover a wider area of the country than any of the other official Pompey supporters clubs. The area covered is Wiltshire, Avon, North and South Somerset, Devon, Cornwall, Gloucestershire and also Dorset.
PFCSWSC has tried to fulfill its initial constitution, in that it provides a vehicle for members to get tickets for matches, travel together and enjoy each other’s company. It has been gratifying, particularly when Pompey visit clubs in the West Country, to see so many South West members attending games.
The club has a membership year of 1st July to 30th June and is always looking to attract new members young and not so young who may be particularly interested in the social aspects of membership. Each member receives a membership card, pin badge and car sticker on joining. It is unfortunate that, due to the widespread distribution of members, we do not get together more but it is hoped that members will join in on future Zoom meetings which will hopefully be held once every two months. Efforts have been made in the past to meet with club officials and players at their hotels when they are visiting the West Country and we have every intention of continuing with those provided it is well supported.